Art makes me happy.

It’s that simple.

Growing up, I was always drawing, doodling, and coloring. I was a self-taught artist until high school where I took art classes for four years. I also enjoyed how my science classes taught me to think critically and ask questions. I was a good student and as I prepared for college, I was faced with a difficult question: Did I want to be an artist or a scientist when I grew up? The answer was both.

I have bachelor’s and master’s degrees in geology and have built a successful career working to better our environment. It’s fullfilling and I enjoy what I do, but creating and appreciating art is what feeds my soul.

CreativeKey Made was created so I can share my art with like-minded individuals who also value and appreciate art. I may work fulltime as a geologist, but I’ve also been creating my own art on the side for years. In developing this website, I pulled together not only my more recent projects, but also rediscovered some of my older works from high school and college. In doing so, I was reminded that while we grow individuals and the world around us changes, there are some pieces of who we are, at our very core, that never changes.

Art will always bring joy.

Michelangelo once said “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”. My creative process generally works the same way: I see the project in my mind’s eye, and I must create and set the idea free. I’m inspired by color, science, nature, wild and domestic animals, puns, other artists, and the still unexplained mysteries of the universe.

I’m Wendy Key and I’m an artist for Life.